Well there was the short lived Rubicon, that was a real bummer for me when it got cancelled.
Well there was the short lived Rubicon, that was a real bummer for me when it got cancelled.
What's this "Ferguson" nonsense? I know Winston owns a cat named Furguson, because most writers are the sort of idiots who love stupid puns, does the reviewer, really not know this?
Like most people I immediately thought of Chevy…and then Dan Harmon's name popped into my head right after that.
I saw Hardboiled first, the teahouse scene, the warehouse shootup, the final hospital showdown, all classic action scenes all in the same movie.
I tend to think of porters and stouts as cold weather beers and ipas as a summer one, but that's me, I enjoy craft beers, but I'm a dilettante at best.
How could he not ?
Spoiler Alert
I can't imagine what he must feel like when he wakes up in the morning…
I can !!!
The worst was they had him on women's water polo during the olympics, don't we have to put up with his bombast enough throughout the fall, winter and spring?
Yes , if there's one thing I've learned to mistrust it's his B-.
This is one of those remakes that totally lacks the star power of the original.Not that Heston is the greatest actor ever, but he did have charisma.
'06 I kind of give them a pass, Verlander was a rookie, they'd come off of about 10 years of being really and truly terrible. Against the Giants , that was just embarrassing.
It would be frustrating in the offseason, there would be really good bullpen free agents that we wouldn't sign, and then they'd get…Joe Nathan, who had been good two years before or whatever, but at 39 was done essentially.
As a Detroit fan, here's what I learned about Dombrowski, he's great at making big signings and at the trade deadline he can pull off some amazing deals, but he really neglected the bullpen the last 5+ years. That may have been ownership, and it may not have been, but that was one of his seeming weaknesses.
"The fake food names, for example, sacrifice clever satire in favor of a bunch of sex puns that barely qualify as puns."
I remember books 1 through 3 a lot better then the last two, mainly because I've re-read them multiple times whereas the other two…not so much.
I joked last night about Arya teleporting to Westeros, and I'm ok with the show playing with various character's travel times for plot smoothness, I mean it took Sam & Gilly the whole season esesentially to get to the Citadel, ehh, whatever.
Yeah, and Arya can apparently teleport now as well!
Kind of hard to argue against that, but maybe if Jon had been a little more open to her in their meeting before the battle she may have shared.