
Outrage is a negative emotion. A troll who causes outage is someone is interested in engendering negative emotion in others for its own sake. I really don't see the distinction. Jesus, it's an opportunity for them to "step out of their normal existence" is it? Again, I have to wonder about anyone who would see that as

They do care what they write to others, because what they write is calculated to upset people. If they didn't care, why bother? Look, I do think that it's easy enough not to read what you don't want to read, and being mean to someone online is therefore not as big a deal as doing it in real life. But I really have to

I just don't buy that people who get their kicks by intentionally making other people feel bad are all sweetness and light irl, having worked out their 'dark side' online. I'm sorry, but if you enjoy upsetting people for your own pleasure you are not a good person.

A 'classic' education? Oh the irony. I assume you meant classical education. There are benefits indeed, but unfortunately you don't seem to have reaped any of them, dummy.

I express myself exactly how I want to, whenever I want to. And nobody ever tells me not to because I'm "offending someone, somewhere". If you're really living this nightmare you speak of, sorry about that, it sounds just awful.

You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you're dead, you'll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.

I must say that does seem incredibly cruel.

"Just a couple of things about my management style. Number one: Don't nobody ask me what's in my cup we ain't gonna have no problems. Two: I believe in the power of nicknames: Smileface, Señorita Swag, Kahuuuna. And you my friend, we will call Mr. Fart."

"Is there something going on at the ATV lot?"

No thanks, I'm good.

Between this and Silicon Valley, Run the Jewels has got quite a bit of airtime on HBO recently.

Yeah I really enjoyed that. 'Who Dat' has got an awesome one-take video incidently.

Wait, you're supposed to cook it?

Well sure they are - the more people in the vicinity brandishing firearms, the safer everyone is. Has the NRA taught you nothing?

The Internet is a typical millennial, can't do anything for itself.

No. You find it.

If I'd been watching the episode as anything other than something to do while I ate a sandwich, I might have been annoyed by some of the some of the points you raised. As it was, I didn't much care about the politics either way - but neither did I find anything in this episode even remotely funny. And I was ready to

Fair enough. But I would have liked the episode better if it had made me laugh even once.

Enjoy your BlancerBLAIDS.

To borrow a line from Difficult People: "What do you think haunts him more - his 'before' photos or his actions?