John McKenna

I was looking at this wondering how "love interest" would play out in physical form for PB outside of how she is at present.

The callbacks tell me the show is coming to a close either this season or next. You don't do a lap of honor otherwise.

Finn has had a tremendous couple of episodes. You can definitely see him FINALLY dealing with his past mistakes with maturity and having them inform his future actions like they should. Great storytelling and character development even 7 seasons in.

Simon and Betty are happy together in the crown, but I hope there is more if for no other reason that I'm not sure what other plot lines are remaining for the show to deal with. They still have another season to go.

Meh, that can be just a saying when girls do it in real life.

I would love one episode for Master Evergreen to be dubbed with Hank Hill's voice.

It's good to see Marceline can be an awesome character post-Stakes, worried that was her curtain call. Her and PB might be the best character pairing in this show — even better than Finn and Jake.

Hints? Stakes hit you with a frying pan on that front.

Last 3 episodes now have had some very good Finn and Jake moments, even if this one wasnt really a Finn and Jane episode. It's nice to see them getting used well after what seemed like a spell where they were in the typically weaker episodes.

That's what I thought as well. A lot of that stuff was partially true,which makes it more believable.

I actually don't see this season deviating that much from its style. S6 was far more experimental than S7. I see it more as a "greatest hits" type of thing, where they take the styles they worked on the previous 6 seasons and refine them, like the psychological thrillers of Football and Hall of Egress and the

im with you here. I criticize the show when it doesn't match its consistently high level of performance and excellent storytelling, but it always comes with the knowledge that we've left a decade of really sub-par children's programming (2000's, save for a few bright spots), so for something like this to still be

Did anybody else notice that Marceline was NOT WEARING ANY SUN PROTECTION???? It was so jarring because AT does a fantastic job at hammering home how she can't be in sunlight without gloves and/or a large hat, and here is just completely disregarded.

its a good answer for that character to give because he's not that interested in being a dad, and kind of just wants Finn out of his hair, so he'll say anything that gets it done quickest. Remember, he's a scoundrel.

I didn't like Orgalorg's voice choice here. Given that they had Ron Perlman do The Lich and was brilliant, Tom Kenny's Mr. Slinkman voice from Camp Lazlo just didn't do it for me. Didn't scream "destroyer of worlds" for me.

I'd go with Lawful Good in the first few seasons, drifting towards Lawful Netural by the later seasons. PB clearly acts out of the need to protect her kingdom, but it does go too far and she does often use her power for selfish desires (see: the elaborate surveillance state she set up).

I'd go with Lawful Good in the first few seasons, drifting towards Lawful Netural by the later seasons. PB clearly acts out of the need to protect her kingdom, but it does go too far and she does often use her power for selfish desires (see: the elaborate surveillance state she set up).