Roman Reigns Owns The IWC

I found that movie to be more forgettable than horrible, maybe I'm biased because I saw God's Not Dead and Last Ounce of Courage. In fact, that latter movie would be a good world of flops case.

Miracles From Heaven? There are far worse religious movies than that.

Nah, and I think this movie had a good script.

I have to disagree here, I didn't find him irritating, I loved every minute he was on screen.

There were earlier scripts that were said to have a similar tone to the MCU.

Those movies at least tried to be like the fantastic 4, and they got the relationship between Ben and Johnny right instead of just forcing it in the end.

It was part of the problem actually, these heroes just don't work in a Dark Knight manner.

Okay, but he did play a big part with Spiderman and Fantastic 4, he should get a cameo in those at least. The fact Fox didn't even contact him is ridiculous.

They should have just done an opening credits scene with the original origin and then show how it's affecting them. Also, set in the 60's, and for the love of God use a different villain.

Lucas is happy with himself it seems.

Stupid, that's like if I never watched Kung Fu Panda because of the name.

Well he did compete against a nobody, so it's hard to say if the other movie was really worse or people just voted for the more well known person.

Are you male or female? Cause if you're female, I have bad news.

He was on an episode of South Park.

Doug seemed to admit that he tried and failed doing something different in the review must go on though. IMO Malcolm and Tamara are good additions to the series.

I believe Johansson made her film debut in the critical and commercial failure North.

LOL what strong, smart woman? I thought Clinton was the other candidate.

Well that's a stupid reason.

Random comment is random.

Oh, you mean Stroman.