
Lovely Bones was horrible.

And the color grading; everything looked like a matte painting in soft focus.

Everyone complains about the prequels, but these Hobbit movies are much, much worse.

Cutty!( helluva game yesterday)


Slither is fantastic.


I hate King Kong, but that scene is great.

It'll be just like Beggar's Canyon back home.

Agreed; he also has to learn by experience that his destiny is not to score touchdowns.

Yes, I get that, but for him to play any sport is just dangerous and irresponsible. I know he's trying to fit in and be normal, and he has superhuman reflexes, but his father was right for berating him for wanting to play. That's what I mean by not getting it; I know he desires to be normal, but there are many other

This show has one of my all time favorite badass Superman moments:

He's actually my favorite, and he invented the whole champagne/cars/money boasting with Walking With A Panther, he just did it about five years too early. He dropped that album i n the middle of the black power movement in hip hop, and was seen as a sell out. When people hate on him it baffles me, because he's wildly

That's actually an incredible premise for a TV show.

Okay, so he shouldn't worry about his son, knowing that the kids are okay and he's thinking about his sons welfare and future at that moment. Okay.

Pa Kent is clearly conflicted when he says the line; its obvious that he didn't want the kids to die, but its also obvious that he's worried about his son bring exposed when he's not ready for that type of scrutiny. It's subtle, but it's there.

Kent didn't tell him not to save a busload of kids, he was telling him that his secret might be bigger than a busload of kids. I hate when people misinterpret this line and how Costner delivers it.

I think Russel Crowe puts that movie on his back;its a three star movie with him, a two star movie without him.