
Chuck once again shows us that love is real for all who kiss.

those look, really bad. i don't like the way those look. they don;t look good they look bad

My favorite example is in Fallout 3. There's a settlement in the game called the Republic of Dave- really it's just one guy's home, but everyone believes it to be a democracy with Dave as its trusted ruler. You can get Dave's family to run against him, but the only way to oust Dave is to rig the election. You'd think

Once a princess, always a princess, that's what I say.

Mostly unrelated question: Vanellope von Schweetz is a Disney princess, yeah? Cause she's the lead in a Disney movie and also a princess. Why do they never invite her to the parades and stuff?

I wasn't exactly expecting to see it here because of how divisive it can be, but I still think Napoleon Dynamite is a weird little gem that deserves recognition. Say what you will about it, but it succeeded at something that no other movie has come close to imitating, and it spawned a hell of a lot of catchphrases

Scripted, narrative insult comedy is a whole different thing! When it's someone throwing insults at a real person that's fine, but when it's an actor saying another actor who was dressed and given makeup to look terrible looks terrible, it's kind of like… why are you bothering with this

It's almost unfair how good they are.

SpongeBob SquarePants is one of the funniest shows, animated or not, ever made, in my opinion. Every single episode is entirely worth recommending, and there isn't a single one that doesn't land. That is, of course, if you pretend the show ended after three seasons and a movie. The first three SpongeBob seasons are

At the end of the second trade of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, there's a little guide written by Matt Hollingsworth about what his process was coloring an entire issue, and it amazes me. Like, you recognize that the colors come from somewhere, but it wasn't until I heard someone talking about the kind of coloring

It's only red because of all the congealed blood from Superman destroying his enemies

Woah. You don't buy Superman's cape. And you don't spit into the wind, either.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really want to watch a Purge movie now. This actually sounds really great. What the hell

These are both funnier than any joke you'll find in the Sausage Party script!

The script's been leaked if you want to see for yourself! Spoiler alert: it does not work well.

Oh my god, I knew these guys were scumbags, but I didn't even realize they were THAT bad. Jesus.

They did tell everyone their race and gender! They told everyone they were a white girl. Turns out they were lying about the gender part, though

Aw, DangerDOOM is awesome. I'm a big fan of that album. Hopefully you keep some DOOM later on to make up for it!

The thing I love most about the internet is it allows so many new and diverse voices to become popular, especially when those voices are actually white dudes

Careful with the predictions- people swore Guardians was going to be their first bomb, and we all know what happened there