Willy Billy

Amber Heard was arrested for domestic violence against a woman, so are you gonna watch the Justice League and Aquaman movies in spite of that?

I'm sure he's devastated.

So you've personally worked with him? *rolls eyes*

Johnny Depp is nice.


Well, too bad everyone who's known over the years, except for one person, disagree.

Only if you know nothing about him and haven't seen his best work.

Um, he has a huge fan base.



That's not surprising at all.

DiCaprio is also on the list, which just proves it's bullshit.

So you live in a world were Black Mass didn't happen?

It still exists.

"Although Johnny is extremely wealthy, he refuses to provide me with any direct financial support. Concurrent with this filing I am providing an Income and Expense Declaration. I am requesting $50,000 a month as and for pendete lite spousal support based on our martial lifestyle." -Heard's original court filing

No, that was part of the divorce settlement.

So false accusations should wreck people's careers now?

**Unproven spousal abuse. But yes, enough time has passed since they SETTLED the divorce.

No, he should be getting work. He is one of the greatest actors of all time. You obviously haven't seen his performance in last year's Black Mass.

Not really.