Same here!
Same here!
Hardly. Captain Jack Sparrow is the best and most enjoyable thing that came out of these movies.
Oh please, Depp seems to be playing the character in the best possible way that any "version" of Depp would use. This is a classic performance in the making.
Speak for yourself, I'm pretty sure that he would've done a great job.
Wow, so you did not even bother to see the trailer? Because he is not wearing any hats or scarves! And who said to you that he tries to hide the fact that he is "old" ??? What makes you think that he wears scarves and hats for that purpose?????
Well, he didn't do a 'hilarious' accent in Transcendence, The Rum Diary and The Tourist, did he? Or did you not even bother to see those? Did you actually bother to see more of his movies before talking?
LOL, I lol'ed too @ ur comment!
Not really! Just because they cut some things that didn't fit for a film it doesn't mean they butchered the musical. Sondheim himself was pleased with it.
Hahahahahahaha, you really haven't seen Finding Neverland and Sweeney Todd, have you?
Um, uh no, Edward Scissorhands, Gilbert Grape, Ed Wood, Donnie Brasco, Blow, Pirates and Sweeney Todd, etc shit on Zodiac.
So dressing the way he wants makes him a douche now? Does the fact that he is a very nice person to everyone makes him a douche too?
Hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaa, thanks for making me laugh.
There's no expiration date for internet comments you know?
Lolol ok now you can go back to.. yeah
Not really! He looks stylish and you might have to actually follo him more before you make such a comment because he wears low key suits sometimes.
You mean he has made poor choices lately? He's got a golden filmgraphy if you forget about some movies.
Oh please, Depp's Wonka is the best thing about it.
Not really.