Willy Billy

He is an icon and a legend in the real world in which you don't live, He's got lots of iconic performances and roles under his belt and no you can't count his good movies on one hand but you can certainly tell that you've seen like 1 movie of him. You are a hack and not Tim Burton who gave us Edward Scissorhands, Ed

Well, many critics and people liked Public Enemies and you should respect all opinions, He's got the charisma of a rockstar in PE. It's a failure my ass. You are a failure on every level.

What a nonsensically delusional comment. Talking about Depp as if he peaked in the 90s is laughably ridiculous.

Right because The Tourist, The Rum Diary and Transcendence were so quirky and weird!

I guess you haven't seen much of him since then? Because you need to see movies like Finding Neverland and Sweeney Todd in which he is a far cry from that role.

You really ruined this comment with the last paragraph.

Not really, Chocolat, Blow, Pirates, Finding Neverland, The Libertine, Secret Window, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd and Rango win over Cage's output.

And what's the similarities between them?

Not it wouldn't really be a shock.

Or maybe the bad reviews surrounding his recent movies is what was the red flag for the audience?


Yeah, Depp would have been a star in 1944. That's exactly the era he should have been a star in.

How exactly is he staying the "same"?? How exactly is he the same in Transcendence and Alice In Wonderland??

He wasn't largely overshadowed in Gilbert Grape and you need to actually watch more of his movies before you judge him as an actor, it's funny that you say "
we don't sit around giving Jason Statham oscar nods" because Depp has gotten 3 Oscar nods.

Yeah right, because Finding Neverland, Secret Window, The Libertine, Sweeney Todd, etc, etc were pretty soulless! Not

How exactly does Depp "play the same role in every movie" like Clooney? Clooney actually plays himself in every movie, unlike Depp whose characters are a far cry from how he actually is. He puts soul and depth in all of them.

The only stupid thing here is your comment, How exactly were Finding Neverland, Secret Window, The Libertine, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, POTC2, POTC3, Sweeney Todd, Public Enemies, Alice In Wonderland, Rango and The Rum Diary Bad?

Um, no he reached career highs with The Libertine, Finding Neverland and Sweeney Todd.

You lost me with this comment.

It actually is a masterpiece.