Willy Billy

No, they just had problems and broke up like any normal couple.

He didn't leave his family, his kids are living with him and he is the one spending the most time taking care of them. She is in her late twnties and is a grown woman and not a child.

Cool, I feel the exact opposite!


He's actually an actor that can make average-to-poor films worth watching, I enjoyed him in all his recent "flops", they actually only made money because of him.

he's been wearing that hat since before Pharrell was born


Hahhahaha, a shit actor! Yeah I guess that's why he's been in the business for 30 years!

No, there's no difference.

Funny since Downey said that Depp is the only man he respects in Hollywood!

Hahahahahhaah, just because some of his performances were inspired by some people it doesn't mean nothing he does is original because the movies you mentioned are actually pretty original and that's why they are iconic and acclaimed. If you think he did a "terrible" job in Ed Wood then you know nothing about good

Well yeah he's on of the biggest names in Hollywood but he's a very humble guy.

Then what are you doing here?

POTC, Finding Neverland and Sweeney Todd are better than the movies you mentioned. He's been nominated for the oscar 3 times in the 2000's for god's sake.

Oh no you didn't! I'm sick of hipsters like you! How about that?

How is playing a Native American racist when he is a Native American? And when did he ever defend a child rapist?


You mean YOUR career is as thin as beer piss? YOU wish you had his accomplished 30 years old career. Have you even actually watched movies of him? He is famous for his incredible acting and of course his iconic fashion.

Only if you haven't seen Finding Neverland, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride Sweeney Todd, Public Enemies and Rango!

He was nominated for the Oscar 3 times after the first Pirates movie and won awards such as the SAG and the Golden Globe and starred in many critically acclaimed movies. You need to actually watch more of the movies he did after Pirates before you talk.