
So Phil's being more of an asshole than ever, Melissa is more of a bitch than before, and everyone else is either jealous or horny. This is getting really old real fast. The only thing that makes me keep watching is the hope that Phil (Tandy) would at least win ONCE.

The show would take a DARK turn if they do that. I'm not against it though.

Agree on the Ascension idea, they were basically hyped before their debut to nothing. Kane + The Ascension might give them some credibility.

That's what I'm rooting for since it's looks like they're gonna turn on him. Less talk and more masked Kane!

Lol i wish they would, that would be funny as hell.

So Jericho's definition of not 'being soft' in his podcast is talking about the 'five moves of doom', doing the job to Bull Buchanan and talking about turning heel? Well that's a big middle finger to the machine!

Just a guy who wore out his gimmick, took off the mask and submitted to the Authority, just kayfabe dying a little more i guess. I'm sure he'll get one more run with the mask and fire.

It works for Rhyno, but that guy looks like he throws himself and breaks the guy in half rather than a soft hug takedown like practically everyone else thats does it (minus Goldberg). I will admit it looked alright at Wrestlemania and an episode of RAW where Reigns took Big Show out by surprise because he actually got

Guy is a musical genius, even if you're not a fan, but I gotta hand it to some of the guys who make basically all of their music themselves, some guys can barely play the guitar or sing, and he's just mixing soundtracks and dropping albums which are great.

Pleep ploop.

Bro I just secret that way with love, you know my style;; we keep loving in Text but then secret forever MEOW

maybe it's their similar age? because other than that, they haven't alluded to this at all, maybe in an upcoming episode..

All this only makes me wonder if Trent Reznor is alive in this world.