
ooops, just posted the exact same thing.

"Demonstrating that just because it was around in the ’90s doesn’t mean it doesn’t understand the internet…"
Do you know about Yankee Hotel Foxtrot? Kids these days…

Don't be too hard on yourself - I watched every episode of LOST

Looking forward to the inevitable Fox News "THIS is who the president is associating with?!" piece where they find something Maron said that makes him look bad. They will have a lot to choose from.

He's actually going to be in his garage? He'll come to Chris Rock but Obama has to schlep out to the cat ranch? I hope he's not allergic.


My roommate at the time and I were watching that episode live and had our own freak outs.

How fucking great is Tomorrow Never Knows? Seriously, that song is so fucking great.

Dude, Marry Me was such a let down. I thought the pilot showed a lot of promise, but I quit after episode two as well.

Hahaha, that's fucking great.