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    You obviously do not know how TV works.

    Completely agree with the revew, is very strange to me that there is so many people who adors the show, I think that ojectivly is very average at best. The plot is dull and the only complex chracter is Delaney. Hardy didn't understand that TV is not cinema, it can't work with only one lead… In TV we need good

    Nope, Lagertha never slept with Rollo.

    It was pretty clear that was Astrid.

    Bullshit, that's un purpose, Shelly is different than the rest, she is emotional, kind and is not egoist like the others. Judith Light is a terrific actress.

    Sex scene was gratuitous, but violence is always at point… Give me a break! Is time for more sex scenes in show like Vikings.

    Sylvester didn't want to do it, thas is really realistic, Felix is compassionate, he sees her as real person, so he didn't want to kill her, that's also realistic. That's all, there is no need for more explacations. And Thandie Newton is the best performer in the cast (alongside Evan Rachel Wood).

    Is ambiguously only for you, the scene was pretty clear.

    Disagree, the show is still great! And if you really find it "painful to get through", there is a simple solution - stop watching!

    Are you serious? Where is the inconsistency? He sayed that was ready las week!!!

    Her face has not changed.

    Have you ever watched the show?

    That´s absurd and absolutely not true. You need to a reality check or to watch more tv.

    The homophobes are always here to write something stupid.

    Julianna was superb, a third Emmy is very possible!!!!

    I dont know why many of you are talking like Soderbergh is deciding the storylines,
    Jack Amiel and Michael Begler ae the showrunners, the are the people who decide it all. Don't forget, that in TV the writers got te power, not the directors, and The Knick is not different.