Leo Wyatt

Annalise probably had something to do with the fire and then faked the scream . Killing Wes would be disastrous IMO ,he has way too many storylines that are just heating up plus Annalise couldn't handle his death in her current situation. They can't have the main character lose all her <<sons>>

That was just a dummy not the actual actor

1-3 were one year 4-5 were also another year ,6-10 were a year each 11 was two years 12 was a year ! There's no way Tuck was five last year

There's no way he was five Tuck was born in S2

I disagree GA has more stuff to talk about than two comedies

I actually loved the Meredith-Maggie scene ,it was my favorite . If you can justify Alex's behavior then you can definitely understand Maggie feeling betrayed by her sister . And honestly when something happens to a person you used to love you start to think back to that relationship . I really wish we would get

I have to disagree Combs is a fantastic actress

I totally agree Piper was my favorite but they completely underused her at times

Yeah and it was a great episode

Oh how I miss this show ! I'm kind of surprised that no S3 episode is included (like the one where they kept on fighting and broke the P3 bond ) but these are 10 fantastic episodes ! Also have to agree about Holly Marie Combs she kept on knocking out of the park throughout the series

Very inspiring indeed !

You said it was Opposite Day and I said she was the best so I assumed that's what you thought

You really think that Claire Danes is the worst actress on TV?

Carrie is the best character on TV played by the best actress on TV

Q&A and the episode where they find Brody's confession tape are not shit

I love both shows but Melissa is by far the better actress

The blind date is the best moment from the CW superhero shows this year IMO

I know I'm probably the only one but I would give an A- to Arrow S3, I just loved it for some weird reason

That's they need to do ,but they won't do it because they only care about Olicity

Pull a Dallas on Arrow S4!