Leo Wyatt

My favorites from her include 1+1,Deja Vu,Love On Top,Blue,Heaven,Don't Hurt Yourself,Freedom,Crazy In Love ,No Angel and Sweet Dreams

Glee had a good S2, Empire has had an awful one

do you even realize how important it is for a black woman to make that kind of statement to her husband nonetheless ? And please go listen to the album before making judgements like that ,songs like Freedom and Formation really promote black feminism

They've only written 2 articles about it in this site

I've never seen so much publicity for the lives of black women

Yeah let's write more about GOT ,the most misogynistic show ever, and let's ingnore Lemonade which pushed black feminism to a whole new level

A fantastic record ! It's pop music at its best

In every inconsistent OUAT arc I want to drop the show but then they pull off an episode like this one and make me a huge fan once again ! Regina and Zelena are by far the strongest characters of the show

I'm in love with this show ,it's so entertaining

Yes I think that Maggie/Riggs will happen soon (until Meghan's possible appearance in the finale )

I think that both episodes were brilliant , they both have everything I love in GA ,strong characters who make compelling decisions and moral dilemmas ! I loved how they made me agree with both Ben and Bailey throughout the two hours and the storyline as a whole was amazingly handled ! Excellent music as well

Gonna have to disagree with your review of S3 IMO all 3 seasons were great (with S2 being the weakest

I'm in love with this show ,I think that just like HTGAWM you're underrating the Catch ! I agree they have to flesh out the characters but the show is still very well written and acted

Have to disagree ,this was a very strong episode for the girls

I really loved April, Amelia,Arizona and Mer ! This was a very strong episode for the female characters

Olicity is the worst thing about this show

I hope so they are the only couple that worked

This seasons has been the best thing on tv this year ! I'm really glad they wrapped it with a different but still incredible finale

Hope it does after the last episode I'm dropping it because it's just awful

The episode deserved a much higher grade (like an A-) and it was much better than last weeks episode !