
I'm not American either, but I can see this. And remain baffled as to why people think SNL is funny

RIP Dilla

wiener-sized hole in your mouth

oh god i dont even have an iphone, i have a 10 year old Nokia, WITH ACTUAL BUTTONS. i should check my energy saving settings

also, this is all massive speculation, if it is true, it's probably more the case that later iphone models will have a 3.5mm AND lightening, you don't lose customers but you can gauge how popular your own format is


means they have one of the world's biggest headphone manufacturers on side. Sure Dre would not have been happy paying a cut to Apple to make his phones compatible with a lightning-only iphone.
Anyway, seems the purchase was more to do with Dre's streaming service and the declining interest in itunes, this would just be

it's incredible, you won't be disappointed


ahaha, you're still doing it!

wow, you sound like Ignatius J Reilly