
I think everyone seems to forget that just because Tyrion is intelligent it doesn't make him a good military strategist. A political one yes, but military not guaranteed. Remember, in the Battle of the Blackwater, Tyrion had the aid of wildfire and STILL if it wasn't for the timely arrival of the armies of Tywin

What a disappointment this movie was. The first act of the film had me hoping that this would meet expectations. Then it just took a nose dive. The only interesting plot point was the evolution of the virus was robbing us of our humanity. But it went nowhere. And after all was said and done humanity was finally done

Go home AV Club you're drunk


Edward Norton is the true Bruce Banner. I'm still disappointed whenever I see Ruffalo on my screen #NotMyHulk

As long as the Mountain is still alive NO ONE is killing Cersei. Once he's gone she's fair game. If Arya wants to kill the Queen she better figure out how to kill "Zombie Braun Strowman" first. Maybe this means another Arya/Hound team up in the future?

Oh yeah that's totally what I meant * rolls eyes*

If you DONT believe that then you're already lost. People like you make me weep for the future.

There are Republican Clinton fans?

Yeah I scratched my head at that too

Missing the point. The fact is that our system is irrevocably broken. To expect justice is asinine.

Amen to that.

Lol. I didn't vote for Bernie. I'm not even a Democrat. This election was like asking me if I want to drown or be hanged.

Because that choice is for the PEOPLE to make not the PARTY

So just to clarify…in an America where cops avoid prosecution for unjustified kills on citizens, where big banks get a slap on the wrist from predatory lending, where Hillary can bury Bernie with help from his own party, where a man running for president can call Mexicans rapists, grab women by the pussy, openly shit

I don't think the media pushed Trump persay. I mean a case could be totally made that the media definitely covered Trump more. He was brash, controversial, uncouth (translation: entertaining, entertaining, entertaining).

Did CNN say why they reached out? For a producer to spend time and resources to back tracing an anonymous Reddit user's activity as far as to get a name and number and address there had to be some reason.

Why go after his identity in the first place? What possible journalistic reason could they have to go and cross reference his posts and trace back a social media trail that led to the creator of the meme? CNN hasn't stated they sought him out for an interview or for an article about people who create political

It's about ratings and money. Everyone turned to the cable news networks to see the "What crazy shit is Trump gonna say next show" and it gave him a platform. It gave him a voice. Majority of people can't even name all the candidates for the republican nomination. That's because trump dominated the headlines. Because

If CNN would have led with that fact it would have given them a least a leg to stand on. They went about this all wrong. Also I believe he did not "create" the meme. It originated on Facebook by a as yet to be named person.