David Alvaro

Tasha- Don't start with Underworld. That's just silly. None of the rest of them are 800 pages long. Most are quite short.

Are they really considered alternative? I was pretty sure they were mall rock/mom rock.

I understand that dubious categorization. It was still silly, and a disservice to up and coming, truly alternative artists to share that designation with established acts, but it makes some degree of sense, less so for the Cure and R.E.M. but, I suppose, more so for bands like Nirvana, which didn't stop being a clear

How the fuck was U2 considered alternative in 1997? They had been pretty much the biggest rock band in the world for a decade.

Read better books.

Super sweet comeback.

Just accept your mother for who she is, Andre.

The Room is like the ultimate dealbreaker for me. It's the emperor's clothes of mainstream ironic bad films. Wouldn't it be more interesting to seek out other strange and shoddy films, like everyone always used to do, then just all of you watching the same damn thing all the time and congratulating yourselves on

Watch what you say about the Fat Boys. Because they're back. And you know they can never be wack. The Fat Boys are back. Do you remember the Fat Boys?

No EPMD "Jane" saga? I call bullshit.

Thank God Coupland at least has the good taste to not recommend any of his own execrable books. Not that this lot seems much better.

Give Dave Van Ronk credit for that arrangement of "House of the Rising Sun!"

That, plus a general lack of taste. People inherit the meme "The Beatles were the greatest rock band ever" long before they have developed critical faculties. Never question this belief. Pass it along. Everyone loves the Beatles, forgets all other great acts. In 100 years, the only music from this century will be

"I've read extensively": the bullshit artist's answer to "some of my best friends are." Take a deep breath. You're going to make it through this. Just because someone else thinks your band is a super-corny, corporate-manufactured vaudeville act that helped placate a potentially revolutionary generation back into

And dude, that's exactly the point there. It seems like this song fully defined your understanding of those politics. Everyone to the left of the Beatles was a hate-filled, Maoist monster. Such unbelievable bullshit.

Isn't this whole sub-thread about the Beatles politics? Why isn't anyone allowed to criticize any aspect of the Beatles. I get it, greatest band ever, able to sound simultaneously soothing and cutting-edge to people with middle-class, middle-brow tastes. Not every artist has to be political, but with Revolution,

And the Beatles politics were some soft-liberal, make all the middle-class whites feel better about themselves while still effectively toeing the line, garbage. As voices of a generation, they basically said "bad things are bad" and left it at that.

He may be a troll, but he's right about Revolution. That song is the anthem for the subversion of political awareness into apathy.

In my world, it's pretty clearly, from least to most nerdy: reading comic books, watching Dr. Who, watching Star Trek, collecting figurines related to any of the above. Using a Tardis as an avatar falls pretty far to the right of that list.

That's the best thing about reggae? Yay, cultural appropriation!