Spider Jerusalem

Nah. No "Übermensch," just someone who reads and studies political philosophy, political rhetoric, the political economy of the mass media, and history. Maybe if you had a better education you'd be able to have a firm footing on which to stand to have an intelligent discussion about this topic? Or, you know, you can

Actually, the problem here is you still don't understand what Carlin was saying, nor do you understand the meaning of the word fascism and the contexts in which it is typically used.

"Someone has read more than me. I'm going to make fun of that person."

"Quotations (such as have point and lack triteness) from the great old authors are an act of reverence on the part of the quoter, and a blessing to a public grown superficial and external."

I feel like Picard was a better captain. He wasn't going around banging everyone, or beating up everyone, or tearing his shirt off. I also feel like TNG had more opportunity to develop and explore his character better than TOS did with Kirk given the short time the latter was on the air.

I like this Burroughs quote about people like this,

Nice job putting words in Carlin's mouth. This is another sign of the regressive left, "So and so didn't mean what they actually said…" Despite all evidence to the contrary.

A history lesson would benefit the regressive left. Reading Hegel, THEN reading Marx, in that order, probably would be useful for them, too.

Attacking people for being well read and using an on topic quote is probably the lowest of fallacious arguments to use. The implication is the person posting the quote is lazy, or stupid, and needs to repeat what others are saying. Rather, the truth is the person attacking the quote almost always doesn't understand it

These people are not liberals in the classical sense. Liberalism is free markets, free speech, freedom to and from worship. These people are not even liberals in a hippie dippie kinda way. These people are regressive, useful idiots who do not understand words have meaning. They are everything Huxley and Orwell wrote

George Carlin called POLITICAL CORRECTNESS "fascism pretending to be manners."

"Really great."
"Really, really great."
"Very great."
"Very, very great."
"Really good!"
"Really, really good."
"Very good."
"Very, very good."
"Very bad!"
"Very, very bad."

Essay On Being Politically Correct, by George Carlin

These are the facts, as much as we can gather from the mainstream media and those on the ground reporting:

You must've gone to the Donald Trump school of political discourse.

You brought up TRANSMETROPOLITAN first as an attempt to insult me because you couldn't actually have a discussion about what I was talking about. You thought that you'd take me down a peg or two by throwing an ad hominem attack my way. I proved you had no idea what you were talking about in that regard, so now you're

Thanks for continuing to prove my point.

Actually, no. You clearly did not understand TRANSMETROPOLITAN. The Smiler says this, "I support free speech, obviously. But equally obviously, all things must be taken in moderation. This is something we need to strongly communicate to the media." Which is exactly your line of thinking, lil buddy. You're repeating

You could not have proven my point about Social Justice Warriors better. Thank you.

If you think a paragraph is long, that explains a lot about you, buddy.