
So speaking of music cues:

Macbeth is actually Shakespeare's FIFTH bloodiest tragedy, it's body-count of 8 (not counting several characters who are reported killed but who never appear onstage, such as Cawdor, Duncan's Guards and Macduff's children other than his son) ranking behind Titus (14), King Lear (10), Hamlet (9, counting the Ghost) and

Short answer no. Long answer, the only place she turned up outside of Muppet Babies was in a limited comic series. She's technically never been established as official cannon.

Heh, and when you think about it - In a world with Pigs, Frogs, Bears Rats, Dogs and…whatevers…walking around, that kitten is probably an actual model.

The VERY first appearance of the Electric Mayhem as a group dynamic was them being assholes. In a first season episode, They threatened to walk off the show unless Kermit changed the Theme Song to Floyd's hardcore, atonal Frank Zappa…thing called "Fugue for Frog". This was Muppet Show Season one (The Kaye Ballard

I figured Clara was a Zygon the second she grabbed a gun and felt very silly that I didn't guess before that.

They had a lengthy full body shot of Piggy being carried around by human back-up dancers. I get that it's just Eric Jacobsen in a green-screen suit, but that's the kind of effect that takes actual effort and adds incredibly to the show's variety. I've actually been really, REALLY impressed by the puppetry. Some of the

Brief correction: That isn't carnagie hall, that's the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco.

Mel Brooks taught me every curse word I know. Every innuendo, every stereotype, everything stupid and silly and for the love of God funny. I started watching those films when I was FAR too young (I want to say six or seven) to get the jokes. And until I was 15 or 16 they were just these hysterically funny, awesomely

The one I say most often is probably a fairly obscure Python quote: HA! I've run rings round you, Logically!

I watch this movie at least once a year. One of the true grades.

YEP. Just, like, a line where Anna could be like "Maybe Mom and Dad were wrong, Elsa!" Anything, but we got nothing.

Oh and, are we even going to BEGIN describing how fucked up it is that this episode aired on Mother's Day!

Something that struck me as crucial was Betty's calm observation that she watched her own mother die, in what was indicated in season one to be a long, painful illness. I kept thinking back to season 4's cancer scare as well, one of January Jones' best performances on this show. It shocked me how cylindrical Betty's

Just to put this out there….I half suspect that when Weiner wrote the direction "Roger plays the organ as Peggy roller skates in the background", he was making good on a lost bet to John Slattery from like 3 years prior that he somehow had to work in the most ridiculous sentence he could think of ?

I'm going to disagree, maybe because I'm an entitled young person. But there are loads of things I avoided for a long time or am avoiding because of negative associations. Some of them don't even make sense. But everyone does this, for one reason or another.

I was in my Senior year of high school when BORAT came out and all the kids I was just waiting on getting rid of, the ones who, like me, thought they were the class clowns and effortlessly funny and really witty, started quoting it. I was the kid who could not give less of a shit. The difference between them and me is

At the rate he's loosing body parts, I'm calling it that by the end of the show Ray will be a head in a jar attached to a slapped-together robot body.

I freaking love her. Her sense of humor is so excitingly weird.

Hey! A creeping kid! For my new movie, "The Creeping Kid!"