
My take on that line was that the master was the doctor's friend when they were boys. They were Literally "Boy-Friends".

…that's bad.

the toppings contain freeze-dried Blargian Mule weevils.

"Ted" is common enough that I never really got anything more annoying or creative than an occasional "Teddy Bear" until High School, when some idiot insisted on calling me "Bundy" for about two years. He did not know (or, after I told him, care) that Ted Bundy was a serial Killer, he just had heard the name somewhere.

The War Doctor regenerates (partially onscreen) and also, I think Queen Elizabeth takes out her zygon duplicate offscreen.

So it occurs to me that this is one of the only NuWho epsiodes without a fatality. As far as I can tell, apart from listen, the only other episodes where no one dies are "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", "Fear Her", "Amy's Choice", "The Curse of the Black Spot", "Night Terrors" and I THINK "The Beast Below." Am I

What about Jon Hamm's Drew Baird? Was that a joke name or did I miss something?

Today in Historical Injoke land, Did anyone catch the misquote of Henry II's infamous command to kill Thomas Beckett "Will No one rid me of this turbulent Priest?"

I have never been able to force myself to rewatch Goodbyeeee start to finish. The first time I saw it I cried for a solid hour, and I don't want to dilute the power of that particular moment by rewatching it until I become numb to its glory. It's one of the most powerful moments in Television history.

They were created by the same Puppeteer, Frank Oz, if that means anything.

Live Hand muppets like Cookie Monster are traditionally done by two puppeteers, one controlling the mouth and left hand, and another, assistant puppeteer, working the right hand. If the principal puppeteer is left-handed this may be switched, and for complicated hand action (like playing a piano) the assistant may do

Can we talk, for just a minute, about how wonderful the late great Michael Jeter is in this film?

To prove the world is totally unjust, apparently he shaved it off because his girlfriend hated it.

Someone, somewhere, is masturbating to this.

The line I quote the most from season four is Carol Cleaveland, as Jones' Girlfriend in The Golden Age of Ballooning, who, while criticizing Jones for his obsessive love of ballooning, accuses him of tying balloons to his ankles.

The Trevor Nunn-Ian McKellen MACBETH, which I watch about once a year.

Still have not forgiven the world for the cliffhanger at the end of the last book…or really the last, like, twelve books in general.

This episode has one of my all time favorite Joan moments: After she and Sal have their stage Kiss, as he basks in the applause, she reacts with a sudden but unmistakable look of "Oh. So THAT's what's up with Sal." It's never referenced again, but she ABSOLUTELY knows he's gay.

It should be noted that a Gender-Swapped "Baby Its Cold Outside" is nothing new…Miss Piggy and Rudolf Nureyev were doing that back in the 70s.