Martin Jensen

You should watch the Adam Sandler masterpiece Pixels

yeah, I honestly don't know how an outright traditional sitcom with this premise could fly. It'd have to be a "dramedy" at least.

click through to read the transcript from This American Life. It definitely turned out disastrously.

I think he's already ageing out of it. He did a pretty honest and in-depth interview in Variety where he said he hadn't had a drink in almost a year. http://variety.com/2016/fil…

Hmm, but society imposes gender roles on everyone. At least this child has chosen his. Without actually knowing him or being able to see inside his head I don't think you can judge. I would definitely defer to the actual experience of trans people on this case!

He writes newspaper columns where he's also generally a prick. Maybe he's just really good at staying in character.

How many times have I told you? Never call chicks broads.

it literally says gif in the bottom left corner

"Twitter supports GIFs by automatically converting them to smaller, more user-friendly video files. Embedly found that MP4 files can be as little as 20% the size of the initial GIF, saving users data and helping with faster loading speeds. Twitter doesn't want users getting bogged down with high data charges or

that's how Twitter displays gifs

they better not forget the kid's head getting crushed!!!

This is exactly what Moore himself says:

For what it's worth, Moore is not a huge fan either:

Don't really count as stars, but two off the top of my head:
Robert Blake, who played the Mystery Man in Lost Highway, was tried and acquitted for the murder of his wife.

Thought it was going to be this:

There are actually a bunch of Isis accounts on Twitter though

Apparently Mallrats 2 is going to be a TV series, so…

NBC wanted The Walking Dead to be a crime procedural…