Bull Shannon

I'm really sorry but there's always going to be a part of me that says "yeah but he threw a cat on a fire." Even if he didn't commit this murder, he threw a live cat on a fire.

Unpopular Opinion: while I enjoy Brendan Fraser's performances in most movies he's been in, his career has been so littered mainly with flops and mild successes that I completely understand why his star has faded, and while I wish him the best I strongly disagree with the internet's assertion that his trajectory was

I deleted the sketch tracks from my iTunes once I finally admitted to myself I was never learning Japanese.

Hey! It was Certified Relatively Fresh by Rotten Tomatoes and everything!

Didn't people say that with dalmatians after 101 Dalmatians? And whatever type of dog the Fraisier dog is?

I could've sworn I've heard like three other podcasts tell the story of the murder guy who survived the volcano by being in jail.

Of the five he's made in the last 20 years, I only like Parnassus, and that's just me being generous about saying I didn't hate it.

Will this be good since it's been around since a time Gilliam was still making good movies?

The thing is about the Forever War is it wasn't actually about forever.

Particularly at night, when my bullet-hole decals might not be visible.

Check your lease buddy, you're living in [bleep] City.

I can only hope William S. Macy can fill his shoes in this one.

I loved watching LOST but I can't recommend it now that you can't spend a week considering whether the frustration is worth the iv drip of answers.

Upon rewatching earlier episodes, I've found Michael has always been a massive asshole, especially in the way he controls his son.

I remember there being a run of 2-4 episodes in the back third of the season that felt okay enough for me to justify having watched the rest.

There's an 'i' in Timyo, and it's exactly where you think.

Yeah that show was a great wellspring of screen names.

The customer is always right about how much shit deserves to be crammed in the toilet paper rolls.

To some extent I agree, but there will never be a shortage of people being assholes on planes he can write about. I also read an essay about his fitbit that I liked, and hearing him on podcasts leads me to feel that even if his books aren't as essential it's nice having him around.

I suppose, if there were a season-long arc about building a boat to get off the island, only for the boat to crash-land on the same exact island and get washed away, along with all the coconut-based electronics the Professor'd built.