I think that's what I loved about the ending, and why the ending really elevated the whole thing; it's entirely ambiguous, and while it invites discussion, I don't believe there's a true answer to it.
I think that's what I loved about the ending, and why the ending really elevated the whole thing; it's entirely ambiguous, and while it invites discussion, I don't believe there's a true answer to it.
This movie was good enough to never make me question why it's all white guys playing jazz.
If every sincere outpouring of joy and love in Coloring Book were replaced with an IGH or a NYAHH NYAHH I'd have liked it a whole lot more.
I had a lot of fun playing LA Noire!
Same! I figured if anyone would have the right amount of anger, humor, and historical perspective, it'd be the Proop Dog.
That presupposes the hosts would be around and quick enough to stop every single possible murder, on-purpose or accidental.
Magic Tavern moved down from Listen Every Week status this year for me. It's definitely hitting Nightvale-esque territory of "we've established a world but now we're not sure where we're going beyond our original premise."
Was the Jeff Dunham's puppets episode this year? I'll never listen to Lay, Lady Lay the same way again.
Then again, Felix was able to instantly laser-suture his coworker's fatal neck wound, so perhaps medicine is advanced enough that if a vacationing lawyer tries to murder death kill you, it's just a minor inconvenience during an otherwise murder-free vacation.
I'd love if there were a running subplot where guests are not only always killing and banging the robots, but also constantly trying to eat them.
I think the bullets in the guns aren't lethal to humans. Still, I feel like it'd be easy for someone to accidentally kill or injure another human.
Do guests ever accidentally kill one another? Surely someone's shot someone's robot horse and broke the rider's neck, or murder-sexed someone who turned out to not be a robot.
God, what was the point of that Reply All telephone marathon? It had nothing to do with their show's typical approach/themes, I can get in-depth phone convos from Beautiful Anonymous, and I can get phone calls from randos on the Best Show.
It don't worry me
It don't worry me
You might say I ain't free
But it don't worry me
Get a drink in a club! Then go walk in front of Chinese Theater!
This season was great, but it was also an excellent argument against being withholding and twist-based storytelling. The show was so reluctant to tell us anything about William or the Man in Black's true nature, because they wanted to set up the Big Reveal.
If you live with roommates or a significant other, it can be really useful. Between me and my b'trothed we've definitely recouped its cost in buying essentials etc and streaming only the first season of HBO shows.
Considering the hoops I jump through to eat Wendy's (only when it doesn't add a suspicious amount of time to my drive, only if I can eat it in the car or at home when nobody else is there, the fact that I toss wrappers in the neighbor's can or leave them in my backpack to toss at work), you'd think I was hiding a…
I always call Order of the Phoenix "the one where Harry mainly talks in all caps."