I completely understand. I'd just rather see that expansion in the gameplay than to just be told "here's more things to collect now." Otherwise, it's just Candy Crush.
I completely understand. I'd just rather see that expansion in the gameplay than to just be told "here's more things to collect now." Otherwise, it's just Candy Crush.
Exactly. Just like not every gamer lives in a basement, sucking down Mountain Dew 16 hours a day, not everyone playing Pokemon Go is ignoring their friends and walking into traffic.
Man, tamagochis must've really gotten under your skin 20 years ago.
Yeah, I don't have any luck actually converting gyms; only the ones in high-traffic areas that are too embattled to stay one color for long. I have more luck shoring up established gyms and dropping a pokemon on them. I've had a couple of 'mons that stuck around less-popular gyms for more than a week.
I've been surprised that this phenomenon hasn't occurred yet. I see gyms that are stacked with pokemon at less than 1,000cp, and it's rare for a gym to stay occupied by a single team (save for the one inexplicably placed in the middle of my neighborhood, requiring you to stand outside someone's house in order to take…
I kind of hope not. I've got ~90 in my pokedex, and doubt I'll ever get close to 151. I'd rather see some other features introduced before they bring in more Pokemon than I can possibly want to catch.
These players don't quite seem ready for prime time.
Wait…current Daario, or the non-union vaguely-ethnic equivalent from season 3?
I wonder if there's ever been a fictional video game that made 100% sense as an actual, playable game.
Yeah; I'm 1/3 through the book, and though I knew the invasion angle from the book jacket, I'd no clue about Ye's involvement. Nuts to us both for reading reviews before finishing the book.
Way late to the game here, but a friend vehemently recommended this book to me. I saw this review, and a few others that said the book was too dry and too dependent on understanding China, and passed for a while.
I suppose. I felt pretty sure he'd just go with them from the point halfway through the movie where he said he needed to go with them.
Yes. There are chases and shoot-outs. But from the point right after the kid gets stolen by the FBI on, nobody's in any actual peril, when you think about it.
I enjoyed it a lot, but Hollywood Handbook ruined the movie for me when they pointed out that halfway through the movie, they figure out what's happening and what they need to do, and then they do it, without any resistance. I'd have to rewatch it to know if it's still compelling when you know what's happening,…
Is that the one where Harry speaks mainly in all caps?
Seriously. I feel like that movie earned both the poignant "first ending," as well as the bottom-dropping-out-from-you "twist ending."
Same here. I'm surprised nobody's discussing that. I'm entirely under the impression that this isn't over, presidency-wise.
That's true. But then….if the point's compassion and deference, why dredge up the worst, most PCP-addled moment of his life? Sometimes I don't understand the internet.
Yeah. Definitely could've held the "a-haaaaaaaaaaa" after the reporter she got news of his lovemaking abilities from the source for a good 5-10 seconds longer.
and one of the rare few to neither tarnish in the light of their later work, nor remain the hopeless standard against all their other work is held.