Bull Shannon

I felt like such a fairweather fan, but I stopped listening after six episodes or so. The story was just so straightforward, and I had no interest in learning more.

"Stolen valor."

No Jean; no money.

So hiiiiiigh you can't get over it!

This may not necessarily be bad; from what I understand, Crystal Skull passed through many writers before landing on Koepp's desk, which kind of lines up with the overstuffed, this-is-in-here-because-it's-cool-and-not-because-it's-germaine-to-the-plot nature of the story and action.

I'd argue it really picks up and becomes really funny and well-written. I gave up around episode 50 or so, because the tone become rather repetitive and slavish towards its fans.

I liked TLOP, too; it's got its highlights (like Low Lights), and its low lights (like High Lights, and the last four tracks, more or less). I do think its messy release stood a bit in the way of my enjoying it.

Not this year.

Maybe he means TLOP?

To me, it means overemphasis on playing the character off as a strong female character, to the extent that they have no actual real traits other than being a Strong Female Character. Like the writers spend more time giving the character opportunities to say "I can be one of the boys, too!" than chances to be an actual

I think a rehash was necessary for what is essentially a series reboot. People are really excited for a Star Wars movie that might not be like the prequels, so I see a lot of this as fan attrition. And I'll be honest, a lot of it worked on me. Some things fell flat, and I thought the ending battle was too big and

I actually fell for it. In the sense that as the scene built, I was legit worried they were going to give me a cop-out happy ending, pile Kylo into the Falcon and have Han turn to him and say "Let's go home."

Wait a minute please!

People in my theater laughed when he first took off his helmet.

Yeah; I didn't like that Han fell into a pit. It might've been more affecting to have his body just lying there.

While they leaned into it a lot, Rey never felt too much like a Strong Female Character to me.

I loved the first 2/3; the fan service wasn't too precious for me, and the practical locations/sets/props really grounded everything. When things veered into the CG-heavy final battle, I found my eyes glazing over. There was so much going on, that I missed the 'simplicity' of the original Death Star battle.

Probably. But probably not. It's hard to tell because jet fuel is so charismatic and likable.

…as is heroin.

Ultimately Underwhelming Job, Internet!