so Jared has aids…like the south park episode…
so Jared has aids…like the south park episode…
so Jared has aids…like the south park episode…
New Jersey is their evil smellier doppelganger
New Jersey is their evil smellier doppelganger
Michael Bay stop raping my inner child.
Michael Bay stop raping my inner child.
Season 7…T-Dog comes back from the dead and reveals that he was a necromancer the entire time
Season 7…T-Dog comes back from the dead and reveals that he was a necromancer the entire time
I got the feeling Carl wanted to tell Rick to stop being such a pussy. Maggie cut a child from Lori with a dirty knife and Carl manned up and shot Lori in the head…the least Rick could do is stop crying.
I got the feeling Carl wanted to tell Rick to stop being such a pussy. Maggie cut a child from Lori with a dirty knife and Carl manned up and shot Lori in the head…the least Rick could do is stop crying.
I don't know where you're going with this councilor…but I'll allow it.
I don't know where you're going with this councilor…but I'll allow it.
My personal theory is that no one ever asked T-Dog anything about himself. It wasn't that the writers didn't care…it's that the characters didn't.
My personal theory is that no one ever asked T-Dog anything about himself. It wasn't that the writers didn't care…it's that the characters didn't.
He's actually Golda Meir's long lost nephew.
He's actually Golda Meir's long lost nephew.
Never change Lori
Never change Lori
I fully expect season 4 will jump ahead a couple years and the Governor is raising Lori's daughter Shania. Because you know…he just loves kids.
I fully expect season 4 will jump ahead a couple years and the Governor is raising Lori's daughter Shania. Because you know…he just loves kids.