
You can tell from the 'flat' reaction from the 'The Talking Dead' studio audience that it was an epic fail. I don't think the writers will do another cheap death sequence like this again.

I'm with ya… I couldn't get through the entire episode. Shonda's productions strikes of a sorority sister, vapid, emptiness with lots of sheen and flash. That choppy contrived dialog is there like in Scandal.

It is obvious that they are setting up for this couple to 'fail' at some point. This guy sounds too controlling and insecure despite his alpha veneer.

All I can say is there are people in the States that failed their History courses in High School. Or their schools failed them.

It is the same rhythm and cadence. It is the silliest aspect of what had become a really silly show.

How was she an 'asshole'? Or was that a typo?

Travis strikes me as a very eccentric person along the lines of a Marlon Brando. Sort of counter culture. He has some sheep farm or something in the middle of nowhere in Australia. He said he acts to pay for his farming.

<blockequote>she's Erlendur has it out for her.
Yeah, that woman does not miss a beat. I love her boldness and street smarts. She and Ragnar read people in spades. I admire her patience to wait low before making her moves. Which at times makes her enemies complacent and under estimate her full power.

Very witty.. I'm chuckling over here.

i don't like yidu as a character btw, she seems pointless.

What the hell?

I think there is an appropriate way to use social media. I think many users abuse its purpose.

I was not impressed with her presentation on "Talking Dead." I found her to be a bit pretentious and fake. An attention seeker.

I see it as a foreshadowing of her own death.

I don't keep up with the celebrity news. What you just shared explains a lot. I understand more why this show went down.

Agreed. I definitely smell another yellow fever scenario. I don't like the fact that he is controlling her destiny and she is under his submission. I also get the sense that it will probably be short lived.

Indeed it has. But many showrunners are writing/producing other people's creations (example The Walking Dead). This is her creation. I'm sure she has certain copyrights that ABC would need to purchase before they kick her out to take it over.

I really need ABC to yank the reins from Shonda for this show and try to salvage it in some way but I fear it's too late. And I dread what's in store for S6.

I don't know what is going on inside Ms. Shonda I-don't-need-no-man Rhimes's head, but I imagine it's an ugly, squirming, fucked-up mess in there

I can't say which group is more important to the ratings, but I can say I find the appeal inexplicable—he's a weak-willed, whiny sleazeball who has run his course as a character.