
Indeed! SHE is part of high society and has connections not Barrow. He will pay dearly for this move.

Thack is done. He will go head first into his addiction with no regard for anything.

I think she is a green actress. To expect a intricate expression from her is asking too much. She is primarily there because she has a famous father and she is beautiful. I think it is futile to expect more from her.

Gallinger is a weak man. His wife's sister knew it. That is why she lay in waiting to pounce. I get the impression that her sister is just as doolally.

It was one of the few choices for women of humble means to get ahead. Throughout the Victorian and Edwardian periods courtesans were given material wealth in exchange for sexual company. A few actually married lower level society men.

I still this is going to backfire. Effie comes from a family of note. I think this move is going to come back and bite him in the backside.

I loathe Barrow, and that scene with Effie just made me despise him even more, but damn if that shot of him escorting Junia out of the whorehouse wasn't goddamn stunning.

Opal is flawed for sure. But Neely is too idealistic to handle the realities of an interracial marriage of that time. She would lose too much and does not have the survival skills to live in a lower station.

She was not good for Thack or any person who has addictive personalities.

I thought Lucy would do something at the ball that would cause a problem. No…just quietly kept manipulating. What is her end game? She slearly *wants*, but what is it she really wants?

He is a good man in more than one way! Lucy missed out.

3 ounces whiskey
1 whole egg
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
2 teaspoons heavy cream (optional)
1/2 cup crushed ice

Combine all ingredients except the nutmeg in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Strain into a 5-ounce stemmed glass, and grate a little nutmeg on top.
2 or 3 dashes of rum are

And I would absolutely NOT want to see Algie and Neely back together because TBH, Algie deserves better. She just flushed him down the drain to keep her money and status and she shouldn't be surprised that Phillip is basically doing the same - that's how all of them were raised.

She may not be able to get pregnant due to the abortion. I don't know how sophisticated the procedure was back then.

Men 'owned' women back then. He can come in any room of his house at will.

If women did not have the right to vote then I doubt they had the right to their own personal space.

His beautiful body was a nice treat.

The fact that he owns a sailboat and is a member of social clubs indicates privilege. Probably upper middle class. From an old American family.

If Gallinger's anger was just at Algie, then why did he treat the hernia patient with disdain? He is like many whites of the time that felt inherently superior to people that were not like them. Whether that be race, religion or class.

I agree he is not incompetent. Just in the mid-range of achievement but feels entitled to more. There are lots of people in today's corporate America that are like Gallinger.