
Unless they were trying to portray Rick projecting his unfinished business with his wife Lori, the whole "I'm lusting after you Supercuts, therefore I need to kill your husband so I can get a leg up" makes no sense and seems out of character for Rick.

I think as the ZA progresses, there will be more 'villians.' If you look, back in history where there was less law and order and more chaos more violence and dictatorships prevailed.

Norman Reedus the actor has greasy hair. I think if the actor fixed himself up the character will fall in tow.

I don't see that. I don't feel that. Daryl's energy with everyone he gets close to is the same to me. I think Daryl is asexual.

I think you are culturally unaware. It tells me more about the small world in which you live than any type of imperical knowledge.

DC suburbs. LA suburbs. San Francisco suburbs, Chicago suburbs. Why would anyone stereotype blacks as not living in the suburbs. That says more about the poster than anything else.

Lennie James is fairly busy with television work in the UK. He actually gets more roles in television and film that the actor that plays Rick.

I'm with you on a reunion between Lagertha and Ragnar. They are truly equals across the board.

I have not read all the posts so I apologize upfront if I am repeating something already said. I think the farewell scene with Ragner burying his friend was a turning point. I think Ragnar will incorporate more of Christianity to his faith. Just like the Vikings of old started blending faiths around the time of

To Patrol's point:

Aaron loves his partner and Daryl is asexual.

I enjoyed the episode. I too, don't care for the mysticism. I think it distracts the viewers from the main plots. I see several 'usurpers' in this episode:

The episode was okay for me. But the running theme I got out of it was betrayal on all kinds of levels. And each and everyone of them will pay a stiff (no pun intended) price for it.

I personallly think Daryl is asexual.

I hope that metaphor does not foreshadow Daryl's fate.

I think Morgan is coming. Toward the end of the episode when Rick was heading toward the wall the street sign said 'Morgan.

He wants to take him out so he take the girl. Caveman style.

He is probably the most realistic of the Alexandria crowd. I would also give props to the actor who plays the characer. I think he disappers into character and does a great job. Hope he is not one of the red shirts of Alexandria.

It is unfortunate in the appropriately named "Remember" that Daryl is literally remembering his sad underclass position in society pre-ZA. I think both Rick and Carol will help him find his place.

I doubt Rick is going there knowing there is a husband. I think the woman's husband is possibly an angry man. She never mentions him when she referred to her family in her hair cutting convo.