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    couldn't agree more. personal subcategory: bedtime story actors. i will probably always have a weak spot for fairy tales and this very episode made me pause at such a great number of endlessly pleasing voices. wes studi, timothy dalton, brian cox…i'll be in my boudoir. no smut implied.

    so vulgarly literal, the appellations the faithful choose for their offspring

    now now, low hanging fruit like that. doesn't sound even remotely as delicious as papyri or something eaten by little persian…

    don't repent just yet, let us save our pater nosters for more piquant sins that undoubtedly await us. all is forgiven, as i understand this is a vice of your nation.

    the little accompanying smile was awfully enjoyable as well

    can anyone clean mine? i do enjoy a good cleaning montage.

    i was befuddled though, doesn't Lucifer want willing servants, from what they've established, when he said "You must give it, freely, and of your own accord. I do not snatch tributes like a starving slave grasping for bones."
    i suppose it was a black baptism of sorts but still… it didn't ring coherent with PD mythology

    also, Ethan's laughably, shudderingly terrible 'i'm done trying to be good' line, whose quality control did that pass?

    while i appreciate how you worded your comment, this after one nocturnal attack? having seen the mariner's inn and the carnage at the saloon in cascabel not to mention his other supposed experiences? i remain unconvinced

    and this week on Spot the Dracula reference we have miss Poole, saying: Listen. Such music my master makes…

    the less i see him, the more i miss him too…

    this bugged me immensely. it was lazy writing. they could have shown a devious glint in her eye to let us in on her manipulation or while Ethan looked away just to keep us from questioning their choices which amounted to retconing a flying kill machine nightwalker into a glorified snake charmer.

    i guess this could be seen as a healthy regression on Ethan's behalf. because Vanessa does and did accept him, as she said explicitly and has proven to him. BUT. was it more about who Ethan wants to be loved by and feels he's worthy of? so Hecate would represent the narcissistic partner most of us encounter dating and

    so we had two cleaning montages this season, Vanessa and Victor…

    i am surprised by how much i enjoy Hartnett in PD. he is this alluring combination of regret and self aware yet animal charm, a heady mixture they diluted in this episode. would someone so delineated by their guilty conscience throw away their treasured, self defining regret so readily and for a woman who means so

    i refuse to accept the conversion of Ethan and Rusk. Rusk was defined by his sense of duty regardless of how world weary and weathered he might become. kill his junior inspector and Rusk will go berserk? no. the man who tossed away his own hand.

    her hubris - coming from her fundamental weakness and character flaw — will be her downfall. as a survivor of trauma who was corrupted so early and thoroughly she overvalues the apparent safety of obtaining power, regardless of source or opposition. she desires. desire blinds, she will crash and burn.

    both transitions (Ethan's and Rusk's) were completely unearned in my eyes.

    shall we?

    or a bystander waiting to harvest the skillfully corrupted ones who he could use later on for his purposes. this god hates a useless sinner, he likes them highly competent and repurposeful.