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    p.s. have you seen the Spanish version, with Carlos Villarías?

    i confess to being torn between Waits and Anonsie, but then again, they are so wildly different that one can have their bloody cake and eat it, too.

    was it not Victor who murdered her, not Ethan? and i think it took Lily quite a while during that long while to regain Brona's memories. which is why she never mentioned him.

    i wish sir Ferdinand wouldn't tease us so coquettishly with his absence… it is doing my already fragile health no favors. where is my strawberry swirl cinnamon bun haired spiritual tonic and sustenance? if god has abandoned the world of Penny Dreadful, must such treasured delight seep out of his creation as well, not

    and in agreement, i follow the trail of your thoughts right into the trap Logan has set for us all

    and we get another fly eating Renfield. a number of endearing quirks that bring to mind Tom Waits' creation in that fondly mentioned Dracula from the year of our lord 1992…

    Ethan never knew anything about Frankenstein's true intentions, though

    Do you favor growing old to one day teach your ugly inbred children your grotesque manners?

    i'm starting to suspect Logan will waste Dorian entirely. hope to prove me wrong. if the Clare revelation is anything to go by, we'll get a satisfying payoff. however….

    i was obscenely bored with it, i must say…

    not in all stories, not in this universe. here it is established that both brothers want Vanessa as their consort. however, if you're right….

    that particular beat saved it from going into the wild 'white savior' territory in my book

    quite a ride and one i really don't mind being taken for

    is this rape something that's established or just guesswork?

    they were both created. however, are they both the product of their environment and respective lives? Brona was soul renderingly mistreated. Ethan killed before he was wered (from what i gather) by his own volition.
    he is a natural born killer, Lupus Dei can hardly choose to abstain from killing. and doesn't the Dei

    indeed. he is never gimmicky, there is a fleshed out self confidence as if we're allowed a glimpse into his world and his poise sells it all supremely well.

    the tentative friendship between Vanessa and John Clare is truly rewarding to this viewer.

    how dare you offend Madam Clare's appearance? c is sometimes for crude, crass, coarse and unbeComing.

    your resolve to create a world in which we all may ship together is touching but you know what happens to idealists…may you never surrender your dreams to be burnt on Logan's stake

    adele the rooster, have i met you before? why is clairy browne's i'll be fine playing in my mind?