Tommy James

You know who else stinks of complicity? SNL, who foolishly allowed Trump on the show during the primary in a craven effort to boost its ratings, thereby helping to normalize Trump and giving him even wider visibility. Thanks, SNL.


Negan's gang was all on the other side of the locked gate. Rick's crew has dozens and dozens of weapons and knows how to use them.

Question 1: Why didn't an Alexandrian shoot Negan in the head through the windscreen when he stood blindly at the gate?
Question 2: Why didn't Carl shoot Negan in the head when he had the drop on him?

Wait, there was a pilot? I don't remember any plane scene.

In the books, Jack Reacher is described as a huge man — 6'6" and 280 pounds. His imposing physical presence and strength is a large part of his character's fearless ability to defend himself and inimidate and overpower his enemies. So when Tom Cruise was cast in the role, I thought, he's gonna need bigger elevator

"Tidal has reported a $28 million loss for 2015, which is more than double the previous year's losses."
Quick let's organize a high-profile 'charity' event that coincidentally features the Tidal name, as well as Tidal artists!

Stranger things have happened.

What if Eleven is actually the (supposedly) deceased daughter of the Sheriff?

One negative of working from home - a spouse who works outside the home.