Capricious Son

Two knockdown fights….good stuff

Listen a few more times. It took me some time, but i was hooked by the Flylo/George Clinton intro track so I knew I had to keep going.

Requires at least 2-3 before you even start to get it. And I don't think anyone ever will entirely.


You know, I didn't realize the dude was such a racist piece of shit until recently.

No, trans and bi issues totally mattered, and people of all sorts were involved in early activism (like the founder of the pride parade, who was bisexual. And we still don't get a grand marshall.) Gay rights succeeded because it was more palatable to the straight, cis majority, hence the focus on homonormative issues

If you read what I wrote, you'll see I never made any specific accusations. I don't know what is in Ru's heart; how could I? She has, however, said some unfortunate things which, it's true, are nothing compared to what most people of that age group think and say.

I've seen that queen doing full-page magazine ads. I forget which one, it was obviously a waiting room, but it wasn't an obscure publication at all.

Keep the beard!

I can't, and won't, defend any sort of transphobia. However, I still love this show to fucking death and I can't wait to watch.

Stop ruining our classic Simpsons references!!

That's the scene where I thought "OK, the Oscar-baiting has officially broken through what remained of my suspension of disbelief. Fuck."

I dunno, it I'll admit it is a grey area…but plenty of people would have been mad if you had told them the Sopranos ending with a cut to black; it may not spoil the PLOT but it does reveal the ending in some sense…

I wasn't trying to go that far with the comparison…I just thought it was a good example of people liking a movie for all the wrong reasons (i.e. they see themselves in it)

Spoiler alert maybe? I mean yeah…that ending pissed me off. But it is at least consistent with the inconsistency of the film itself.

Yeah, it's kind of like Sideways in that…critics saw themselves in Paul Giamatti's character, who never redeemed himself at all but still ended up rewarded with love.

That's good to hear. I'm happy people identify with Jeremy in this case, because he was completely right (except for being dismissive about the money she spent, etc.)

We certainly haven't…Either way is cool, whether it's butt stuff for straight men or more bi male characters. Both pretty much absent from television and even movies.

Shout out to the Blue Store!! (They renamed it in the episode but I'd recognize that selection of butt stuff anywhere.)

You'd be surprised at what hot butch guys are capable of ;)