
Cerebus. Some of the most gorgeous comic art I've ever seen with some of the worst writing I've ever seen.

I too was very confused

Yeah. I would have assumed they could have gone for six to eight episodes; not only would it give more time to translate a 500+ page story, it just seems like a better sell/more on brand.

Seconded. Loved that show. I'm glad they're still working and teaching kids about animals, but I preferred the live action version with the lemur (RIP Lil Lemur).

So where does Odd Squad fit in? I ended up watching a part of an episode and it involved Groundhog Day time traveling to stop rampaging dinosaurs and jet packs and kids that could actual act and I kind of want to get my little cousins in to it (but I'm not sure which age would enjoy it).

Any guesses what L0m1s means?

Wonder if this will affect Jem being on Netflix where I don't have to pay 99 cents to watch a single episode.

Yeah. I had wanted to get a photo with them at merch on Night One, but it was $20 for ONE of them or $50 for all three, which is extra ridiculous when the KoT champs were taking photos holding fans on their shoulders FOR FREE.

And that Brie promo; oof. Her husband is legitimately injured and has faced career-ending injuries over the past year and she can't even act concerned about her husband's health.

I'm a huge Heath Slater dork. He's one of the best, if not the best, enhancement talents the WWE has. Yeah he looks amazing at getting beat up (especially when he had long hair; the way it flew around when he got hit in the face was a thing of beauty), but he could actually wrestle really well. If they do ever let him

Aww, I didn't think Spirit Squad was THAT bad on night one.

Also, I spotted Aasif Mandvi in that Moss clip! Apparently he played a judge in two episodes.

Second week in a row with a clip of someone from Flash's supporting cast! Did not expect to see Caitlin as a Lohan analogue!

Buuuuuulshiiiiiiiit reverse those recs. B&R is the best of the bunch followed by BF. BR's good for the kid impersonating Christopher Walken to Walken's face and the first one should be a supercut of Prince's music playing over the number one guy line.

Buuuuuullshiiiiiiit Tokyo Drift is not the worst of the franchise.

I know people hated Alex, but at least the matches he was in were interesting. This was a rather disappointing episode, especially after the past week.

Maybe Felicity could be traded for a character to be named later? Basically, I want her on a show I watch.

I would be okay with Felicity and Caitlin swapping tv shows. Felicity's a better fit on Flash anyway.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Laurel Canyon Sound

Did she know Matt Wilson? He's written here/Comics Alliance and also worked where they shot The Daily Planet stuff.