Seinfeld was Jewish
Seinfeld was Jewish
"To MOST people of color this is a deal breaker. To SOME white people it is not." At what point did I "speak for all minorities or for for all whites."
Nothing is more racist than a bunch of white people sitting among themselves deciding that they are not racist. White people who have African Americans in their family, know perfectly well just how racist things still are. Think about it for a minute what conditions need to be in place for a white person to actually…
Thanks right just shut-up and take it
He really is a master, I love this physical acting. The way Frank moves is phenomenal.
I caught that too. Steve Howey is awesome as Kev.
Aden Young. Agreed. Amazing this season
I did too, had to google him after the episode. Did you know he is Goldie Hawn and Kirk Russell's kid.
I thought National Anthem was the best Black Mirror episode of all. I don't understand why it is on everyone's didn't like list.
That was the show, we would get excited about and watch as a family, patiently waiting for the weekly answering machine.
I am really liking Quarry.
So after 30+ years, black men are still cast as Street Kid, 2nd Gang Member, Hood and Gang Member No 2. NOW that is what I call progress.
ALL AMERICANS should be considered equal. Until then everyone has the right to speak up.
I think it is very important to differentiate between stereotypes. There is a big difference between racial stereotyping someone as potentially magical and racial stereotyping someone as a potentially a physical threat. Not all racial stereotypes are equal, certainly the consequences of them are not.
What about it? A racist sterotype perhaps. But not a negative one.
"You talked to her there, why?"
"I saw her for the destroyer she was and did not like that, sometimes when you call them out they get neutralized."
To me this is nothing more that a very accurate assessment of Andrea. He does not threaten to neutralize her, he answered the question and explained why he talked to her. He…
I found the treatment of the mortician to be the most frustrating. What he said about Andrea is a very astute observation, but because he was visually portrayed as menacing his ability to accurately read the encounter with Andrea goes unnoticed.
Really? He never heard don't shit where you eat before.
Not everyone needs a big place. Many people find that small spaces give them a better quality of life.
They were only married a couple of years. In second marriages with kids from the first the bulk of money often goes to the kids.