Emma Knight

I understand that and I get wanting to see Ryan arrested, but I still think it would be unrealistic for the characters (The band) to actually press charges. First of all, he was not a random stranger, but someone they know that is struggling mentally because of his military service. I just cannot see the band guys

Because she does not ask for it. She never needed to before and she does not know how. Saying that she did enlist Zeek ti help.

I understand Joel and not Julia in this storyline and that really surprises me. For that reason I like the storyline a lot. Joel was completely supportive of Julia for a long time, she through her own actions forced Joel into the bread winner role. He thought it was his turn to be supported completely at work and he

She is a great actor. I loved her in In Treatment too.

Pressing charges, is a whole lot of time and red tape. It takes real conviction to see it through. Also you have to carry the incident around with you for a long time. Since their lives are not in any ongoing danger, I understand why they did not press charges.

I thought the same thing.

Or the cops

Siff has a mainly theatre background and has not done much TV. You can catch her on Mad Men Season 1 I think, she was in several episodes.

I love Siff, I think her work in this show is solid. The writing could use some work, but her acting in my opinion is excellent. Perhaps it is because I identify with the character, smart woman in an impossible relationship with a well meaning but ultimately violent and dangerous man. I was there too, both she and Jax

This is the best thing Jimmy Smits has ever done. I am blown away by his work on this series. I have always found him hot and pleasant to watch, but have never seem him act his pants off before.

Will has always showed signs of reckless behavior. In that way he is both unsympathetic and very realistic. I love the character for being so flawed.

Agreed. They have no chemistry.

I am a mother and a feminist, but with this storyline I am squarely in Joel's corner. I love the way they have bent traditional gender roles with this storyline.