Sum Gai

Well with only six available toys, they're not going to feature the entire freaking cast. Especially when two of the toys feature the same two main characters. If they had used 6 different male characters, MAYBE I would have called bullshit. After all, there's only 3 main male characters (Finn, Jake, Ice King)

They have a prescense of course, but PREDOMINATELY, Finn and Jake are the most well known. It's called Adventure Time with Finn and Jake for a reason.

People who are marketed the most:

I really don't see what the big fucking deal is here. They only have FOUR CHARACTERS here and probably chose those characters because they're the only ones they could think of to make into toys. So they just happened to not make any toys for a female character out of a possible six, big fucking deal. People are

Yeah….. maybe the MESSAGE itself is universal (as is just about any children's show to be honest) but MLP is pretty much a show created for pre-teen girls.

Yeah… My Little Pony: FiM is certainly intended for girls (fucking EQUESTRIA GIRLS says it all). Older men just like to watch it anyways for some reason.

Yes, yes I do. To all of that. Especially the tonguing. DON'T JUDGE ME!!! But seriously, how could you NOT like the little stuff like TT's ex husband? I just love the little insertions of more adult subject material tackles while at the same time staying true to the "kid logic" of the show.

Of course she did. She's German, remember? :P

It's about damn time you guys picked this up, first you dropped covering Steven Universe and almost lost this unexpected gem? For shaaaaaaame. Anyway, yeah, I absolutely fucking LOVE this show. It's just so familiar but the presentation and pure unbridled imagination of it's scenarios really makes this show a

Seriously, that look on Bubblegum's face at the end of the episode really made this for me.