
We are MTV Generation. We feel neither highs nor lows.

Welcome to party! And congratulations on joining Disqus riiiight before site throw it over in favor of Kinja! [sad trombone]

Not to mention is probably easier sell on actor if they can go to work on subway and go home and end of day, instead of living in trailer and hotel room in northern Wisconsin for four months.

Look out Utica, here comes Springfield!

Wait… we have pictures of John Oliver and Alex Jones side-by-side, and someone's reaction was that Oliver's photo was unflattering?

And PG-13 rating was introduced as direct response to that scene.

Bond series has ups and downs in terms of writing, direction, and acting. But from front to back, there no better stuntwork in all of movies.

Speaking of handling long-running franchises well, one thing me love about this one is how well it plays with Bond iconography. Opening in black and white because he not yet 007, leading into gunsight image organically. And of course, final shot and last line of movie. Absolutely perfect.

Dark Knight trilogy have same issue. First one is origin story, second one happens couple of months or even weeks later, then he immediately goes into retirement and is washed up and past his prime.

First article me saw about this news was shocking, not because Kakutani leaving, but because it included photo! She famously private, and me never sure anyone actually knew what she looked like.

One of favorite Savage Love columns was (maybe not surprisingly) not written by Dan. He acknowledged that he knew nothing about teenage girls, so opened floor for women to write in with advice for teens, and printed best/most frequent advice. One at top of list was, "older guys who date teenage girls do so because

Me pretty sure what she mean by that is, "my daughter in college, but in my head she still 11, so this is wildly inappropriate for age me want to pretend she still is!"

It seem like her issue clearly with fact that daughter is sexually active adult. S&M gear is just physical evidence of that that she not able to handwave away.

Me know me late to party here, but me thought big wasted opportunity was that movie used Ramones twice (perfect choice, as they and Spidey are two most beloved products of Queens—New York Mets are not beloved), but Ramones actually recorded Spider-Man theme. That could have been fun closing-credits number.

Siddig? He was ruler of Dorne who stares wistfully off into distance for several episodes before getting stabbed.

Only real reason for TV Dorne was for Myrcella (herself mostly a non-character) to die so Cercei can be pushed over edge. Me still mad they wasted Alexander Siddig!

Except me thought they killed Jon's when they killed him. (Me assume you meant Jon by that second Robb)

Me thought she said "me saw you," but me agree it was very hard to tell.

Yeah, me feel like he wrote them in intending to give them more significance, and then gave up on following through.

As me remember it, she have dreams about Nymeria hunting, but that as far as it goes.