
Only thing Gingrich deserves credit for is convincing Republicans it was worth breaking system for short-term win. Clinton impeachment, Bush v. Gore, obstructing more judges during Obama's term in office than entire rest of American history, stealing Supreme Court seat, striking down Voting Rights Act and promptly

And that work when he bluntly insult virtually anyone else. This just felt like punching down to me.

It can be two things!

- also, "liberal" media

That not what me saying at all, and me pretty sure you know that. Original comment not comparing Guardians to some lesser blockbuster, just saying it not have "creativity and artistic merit," which me find to be ridiculous argument to make about movie overflowing with weirdness and idiosyncratic touches by Gunn.

Irony is, Justice League Dark almost certainly going to be less dark than any Zach Snyder movie involving members of Justice League.

Me pretty sure they just had that cameo so we would spend rest of our lives wanting movie with Michelle Yeoh and Ving Rhames ass-kicking their way across galaxy.

Me loved how impressed Quill was by that.

This movie had plenty of creativity and artistic merit within realm of colorful action blockbuster. If you expected movie about talking space raccoon who wears people clothes to be Rashomon, maybe fault lies with your expectations.

Me not remember which former A.V. Club writer said this on Next Picture Show podcast, but, "finally, we have Batman movie made by someone who actually likes Batman."

Me not agree with second spoiler text. Me thought that whole thing was set up pretty well from beginning of first movie.

Me thought everything about him was even better in this one, except how mean he was to Mantis. That joke of him saying tone-deaf awful things works with Starlord or Rocket because they can snap back at him. Mantis just looked hurt over and over, so it end up coming across as cruelty, not banter.

Yes, Mr. Sherman. Evvvvvvverything stinks.

Only show on television me have ever seen that was this tense was final three minutes of Sopranos. Except with this show, every episode that tense, from start to finish.

Honestly, me haven't seen either in years. Me just remember being more impressed by Supercop, but that might be because me spent so much of Rumble amused at what Chinese idea of Bronx-by-way-of-Vancouver looked like, with street gang that dressed like Solid Gold Dancers, and snow-capped mountains looming over Hudson

The chase at the end? Yeoh jumps motorcycle onto moving train! Even Jackie Chan told her not to do stunt because it was too dangerous!

Me remember walking out of Gladiator thinking, okay, Hollywood will clearly follow this with string of inferior swords-and-sandals movies, but smart thing to do would be find different moribund genre to resurrect, like maybe… pirates.

Of Bale's Violent Rich Asshole Trilogy (Shaft, American Psycho, Batman), it worst movie, but it might be best performance of three. (He terrific in Psycho, but he get lot more help from direction and script)

Definitely trying too hard. But booty in question belonged to Kima from Wire!

Me posted this elsewhere, but it worth repeating. It not just terrifically choreographed fight, it terrifically acted fight, and you not see that often. In fact, me not sure there better fight scene in all of film.