
No, because that would require showing affection for someone other than himself.

Or if every living president spoke out as with one voice to say, "dear God, not this guy!"

Given significant minority of electorate thought electing Putin-loving game show host was good idea, me pretty most voters in November of 2018 not remember September of 2018.

Someone observed that current national tragedy occurred because Baby Boomers are still fighting hippies-vs-establishment battles from '60s, except hippies became conservatives and establishment types became anti-American reactionaries. We not have liberal and conservative parties in this country, we have conservative

Yeah, but we piss off conservatives by giving people health care, education, and jobs.

We'd be going from Charlie Sheen in real life to Martin Sheen in Dead Zone, and me honestly not sure which is scarier.

Let's go further back than that. Stop any one of numerous voter suppression tactics in Florida in 2000. No confusing ballots, intimidating black voters, handing out flyers that say "Vote Wednesday!", Gore wins Florida, no Bush. Country would be better in numerous ways, and on that list is, no Alito and Roberts. No

Only President and his staff get special 3D Superbowl!

Surrounded by monsters? That was Michelle:

Like it caught me with hand in cookie jar!

Me love idea of someone walking into sex toy store and everyone shouting, "Norm!!!"

Old joke: two old Jewish men are sitting on park bench. One reading Commentary, one reading book by Pat Buchanan. (You could update that to Breitbart if you want) Man reading Commentary looks over in horror at his friend. "How can you read that garbage? That man is anti-Semite!" His friend say, "Me try reading that

Some times you get into relationship quickly because it good relationship. Try not to overthink it. This seem like great opportunity to move on from ex.

Kif, what name of that sexy sleep disorder me have?

Me pretty sure we clearing deck for Trump.

Me feel like he had to have been pretty impressive to lose twice and have people say, "we need to give this guy one more shot!"

If there one thing spending last year on Twitter has taught me, it that there nothing Democrats hate more or trust less than other Democrats.

To paraphrase everyone's favorite meme, he can be [guilty of] two things.

Me was paraphrasing!

Glad to hear it. Where you live?