
Not to mention 20 years of Fox News.

Me not know about that. Avenged Sevenfold Fan doing some pretty great work.

Then me have good news for you!

Aw, shucks.

Me not have problem with that!

Me approve this message!

Me would ginger your molasses… okay, me forget where me was going with this but me suddenly hungry.

Every cookie is necessary!

Me was quoted out of context!

Me have Keith Richards kind of deal, where body just keeps going against all odds.

Of all days for me to not check site! Me was busy getting as much Sesame Street material in can as possible before Paul Ryan bulldozes studio. Anyway, glad so many people enjoy this. Me love history of cookies almost as much as me love cookies!

Metaphors! Get yer metaphors!!!

Me have always had that. Me tried to set up account under regular name, but furry fingers somehow mistyped password and me not able to log back in. So this was second attempt, and it stuck.

Friend of mine went on bad date once and decide not to see that guy again. But he somehow found out she had gone on date following week with different guy, and sent her angry email calling her "wonton woman". So "wonton" became her nickname for long time after that.

Yes, great book is great book, whether it was written by men who had countless opportunities to be encouraged, trained, and published, or not written by women who were discouraged from expressing selves or pursuing career. Those are both exact same set of circumstances and fact that bookshelves are overwhelmingly full

You not seriously suggesting that shelves on new bookstore would look any different, are you?

Harry was white dog with black spots who liked everything, except… getting a bath. So one day when he heard water running in tub, he took scrubbing brush… and buried it in backyard. And then murders began.

"To be born again," sang Gibreel Farishta tumbling from heavens, "first you have to die." And then murders began.

"It was best of times, it was worst of times, it was age of wisdom, it was age of foolishness, it was epoch of belief, it was epoch of incredulity, it was season of Light, it was season of Darkness, it was spring of hope, it was winter of despair. And then murders began."

There is monster at end of this book!