Almost immediately.
Almost immediately.
Not to mention that number of abortions went up under Bush and down under Clinton and Obama. This may sound shocking, but giving people better access to birth control and more education on how to use it make it less likely for someone to have unwanted pregnancy in first place. Whereas saying "never have sex" somehow…
Except now infrastructure not land, it internet. And Silicon Valley by and large on good side of things.
Me pretty sure barfing after eating Taco Bell not limited to AV Club writers.
Me watched this with kids and really enjoyed it. And it make me even more curious as to series' endgame, and whether Minerva (or Susan) will figure into it and how.
Oy. Me have sympathy. Papa Cookie retired few years ago, and had planning for most of life on living out golden years in small town in rural PA, where he met Mama Cookie and they lived when they were first married. And after loving town his whole life, he soured on it this year after seeing Trump signs everywhere. "Me…
Hysterical conjecture? That same conclusion every reasonable person in America has already come to.
More-liked by you and your friends, but not by voters. Funny how that works. If Bernie not blown off southern states, tried to reach out to black voters, understood how caucuses worked, or done better job of getting his supporters registered, he might have won. And maybe someone who had never run national campaign…
Yeah, some old-school conservative like George Will lamented that "Trump has proven that we are every awful thing Democrats have ever said we are." But me think they've brought in new level of awful decent people not even suspect they capable of.
Yeah, me thought that like six scandals ago. Anyone who support him after bragging about grabbing women by pussy and insulting POWs and gold star families is not someone who's sense of decency can be appealed to.
That pretty much sum up "values voters" mentality.
Because he unbelievable asshole, as his Twitter feed has made clear in past few years.
Yeah, we pass "party over country" long time ago and have moved onto "party vs. country."
Let's see if we can come to consensus here:
Twilight was a sitcom?
Name one. One.
Might not work, but better safe than sorry!
Before he settled on Pence, Trump sent Don Jr. to offer VP spot to Kasich. He said Kasich could be in charge of foreign and domestic policy. A baffled Kasich asked what that would leave for his father to do. Don Jr. said, "making America great again!"
But would things be worse? Pence still making domestic policy for Trump, but he doing it in shadows like Cheney. And Pence want to do horrible things within our system and long-standing institutions. Trump neither know nor care about our democratic traditions, and will happily burn this country down if it mean he can…