
This is Cookie Kids' favorite show, and this is far from most disgusting thing these two have done. They also tested various devices that filtered urine into drinkable water by… well, drinking that water. All me will say was that some devices not work as well as others.


And you all complained when we made that deal with HBO. Big Bird knew what was up. He may read at 1st grade level, but he can read writing on wall!

Funny story. Me often listen to WFUV, New York's Only Decent Radio Station, when me driving kids to and from school. And for couple of months, every single damn time we got in car, same song would come on radio. Chorus went, "When tequila run out, we be drinking champagne." So fact that this song came on constantly

Elmo may play 3-year-old on TV, but me assure you everything in that video was legal and consensual!

Guest interaction is always terrific with Graham, and very few talk shows do that. One of most passed-around clips from show is Benedict Cumberbatch doing Chewbacca impression and coaxing chuckle out of Harrison Ford.

We have had lots of terrific guests on Sesame, but one "get" me could never manage to sell producers on was to have John Waters come on and sing "Me Love Trash."

Except they not move focus to Elmo for marketing reasons, they move focus to Elmo because audience was getting younger. Sesame was originally intended for preschool/kindergarten age kids, but core audience ended up being 2- and 3-year olds. We needed something that appeal to that core demographic, and Elmo came along

Welcome to my world!

Just think, there are kids today who not know who Zodiac Motherfucker is! Who have never seen artfully written David Caruso gag!

Me was in this movie, AMA.

Norton not exactly household name when he started show. He was stand-up comic with 2 or 3 guest spots on Father Ted, but he ended up being perfect for that job.

Norton terrific at getting celebs to be far more relaxed and open than they would be on any show over here. He also have talent for telling incredibly dirty jokes and somehow come away seeming like innocent naif.

In Soviet Russia, cookie take bite out of you!

Because if so, we have opening on Jimmy Fallon's couch next Thursday.

Mine is Girl Scouts logo

Me Went Down works as-is. There lot more on here with potential:

Got it.

Really? Bryan Singer, Nicolas Meyer, Michelle Yeoh, Sonequa Martin-Green, (and more importantly, not one person who worked on Voyager or Enterprise, and your first thought is clusterfuck? Me feel like this is best shot we have at getting good Trek show in… wait for it… generation.