
On other side of coin, Luke finally beats Vader by tapping into anger, then backing away before actually killing him. That favorite thing about Jedi, and it something movie never directly call attention to—Luke wins by ignoring Jedi training. Yoda tells him never to get angry, Obi-Wan tells him Anakin beyond

Well, he not have daughter he want to fuck to make him really relatable to "values" crowd.

Because he a boy. Duh.

Me really hope they continue ignoring every non-Jimmy-Smits aspect of prequels.

Me suspect, if he is her father, he gave her same desert-planet childhood, knowing how shitty that is, because he also know it worked. It like making your kid take piano lessons even though you hated it as kid, because you turned out to be pretty good piano player as result.

Or you can chalk it up to Han and Chewie spending years trying to track down Falcon, as movie takes pains to explain.

Me disagree. What me absolutely loved about Kylo Ren was that he not implacable badass like Darth Vader. Fact that he volatile and unsure of himself make him fascinating character — and no less dangerous, just in different way.

Really? Me have read dozens of complains about Rey fighting Ren and this thread is first time me have seen someone mentioning Finn (briefly) holding own against him.

Yeah, me suspect anyone hired to direct a Star War is going to have Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, and frozen head of Walt Disney keeping pretty close eye on them.

So that why NERF herders are scruffy-looking!

Me thought that walking out of Force Awakens—me was really excited to see what came next. Because Abrams did terrific job of setting table, then wisely stepped back to let director more interested in original ideas take over. Which pretty much perfect. If only he had done same thing with Star Trek.

Sorry, me got those mixed up.

Yo La Tengo - Tom Courtenay

That was Kinks, not Queen.

What?!?!? That was best Undercover ever!

Bruce is great at turning depressing lyrics into upbeat song. But me saw through this one immediately. "Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face" certainly resonated with young monster in middle of awkward years.

Spinal Tap - Tonight We're Gonna Rock You Tonight

Deee Lite - Groove Is In the Heart

If you break this up into separate posts, people will actually be able to vote for these songs.

Guided By Voices - Glad Girls