Me assume they also show Malcolm X and Crooklyn.
Me assume they also show Malcolm X and Crooklyn.
Yeah, Ferengi not respect someone who go bankrupt that many times. Me pretty sure there Rule of Acquisition about not trusting anyone who can lose money running casino.
Given that CBS pretty heavily investing in it to lure people to their streaming service, me imagine that number pretty high.
Me wish me could upvote "baskety" more than once.
Let's face it, neither party is terribly attuned to needs of common people. But getting 20 million people health care did lot more for common man than any tax cut for billionaires, which is Republican solution to every problem. Me agree that Clinton needed to do more to address working class, but A) working class…
Not any more. This is Trump's America, where he will gladly take your hamburger, not pay you for it, and sue you if you complain.
Don't expect him to listen to logic. Conservatives are same people who froth at mouth because Clinton worked with Robert Byrd forty years after he repudiated KKK, but not blink at active, current KKK members openly supporting Trump. It not about whether someone can learn or change, it about whether they can find…
Me not aware of any candidate using that non-word, but me feel like me should remind me that you yourself called me "manbaby" like six comments ago. What kind of jerk would use that kind of term?
Yes, with Nabin, you might have hit close button. With Esposito, everyone feel compelled to insist loudly she have no business writing column. Me wonder what difference could be…
Ooh, troll had something negative to say! What refreshing change!
No, you were clear! Me feel like we both agreeing with each other and neither one realize it!
Having just read Cameron's story, me have no trouble understanding why someone would want to gloss over their coming out story. It great that someone can delve into painful part of life and let others learn from that experience, but it have to be very difficult thing to do. Me can absolutely understanding wanting to…
Know what? Someone who not read column but show up just to trash it not get to call anyone or anything else obnoxious.
Except it was Republicans who made that issue. GOP were ones who suddenly made transgendered using bathrooms huge political issue while handwaving away fact that they fought for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. GOP runs on nothing but social issues and empty promises, and yet it somehow Democrats'…
Playin' wood block? You can bet that a blockin'!
You make excellent point. Clinton has made mistakes, and changed mind about things, so we should have neo-nazis in White House instead. Me mean, if you can call paid speaking engagement that literally every politician ever engage in "form of legalized bribery," that clearly make it worse than actual,…
Great first post. Also, great username.
Again, phrasing!
All-time favorite exchange on Archer is…
Me have little bit of insight into AVC editorial process, and me can confirm that every single bit of this rambling, insane conspiracy theory is false. Esposito stopped writing column to write book and TV show, which me know because she said that in her column. Site is currently co-edited by Sean O'Neal and Marah…