
That was one thing that struck me, there not many overt jokes written, (and few me can remember were cringeworthy like "face bidet and anti-Irish security fence"), but Leslie Jones' muttered asides and Hemsworth's nonsequiters were gold. "Mike Hat" conversation was funniest thing me saw in movie all year.

In fairness, me think liberals come to big coastal cities less because other liberals are there and more because that where jobs are. Me also think living in diverse community with creative types makes one more liberal over time, and living in sheltered, homogenous community makes it easier to believe stereotypes

Exactly. Any number of directors would have served material well, so me feel like sequel with same cast and new director could be terrific.

Me really, really not want to see Kevin Smith's take on Buckaroo Banzai, but me also respect him tremendously for dropping out when he find out original creators not involved.

Honestly, me not love it, but me enjoyed it and walked out hoping they make sequel. Because cast was terrific, and movie would have been much better if half of running time not explaining in how they started busting ghosts and shoehorning in nods to original. If all that time had been devoted to jokes, and busting

Me worry that, even if there definitive proof they cheated in Wisconsin, and multiple criminal acts were committed to swing election, conversation will go something like this:

Wow, we got tired stereotype of Democrats all being shiftless lazy bastards while those hardworking Republicans are carrying country on backs — because, as we all know, blue states like New York and California not pulling economic weight. And then willful misunderstanding that health care costs increasing less under

Me have one in shape of Darth Vader head.

Wait, it not mean that here? Me have wasted thousands of hours on this web site for nothing!!!

How about mug that say:

Or if you need glass of milk big enough to dunk cookie into!

Exactly. System only works if everyone involved abides by system. There no referee making sure everyone play by rules.

"One man can't ruin everything"

On one hand, it not possible for Democrats to nominate someone with more baggage than Clinton. On other hand, voter suppression worked this time, so me fully expect Republicans to double or triple down on it in next four years.

They not bury him in suit like most people?

Counterpoint: George W. Bush aged pretty significantly.

Right, like country will still be here in eight years.

Wife makes cookies? That sound like healthy marriage to me!

Trump also commit at least one impeachable offense before even taking office. Apparently, impeachment was written into Constitution specifically so presidents not use their office for financial gain. But me can guarantee same group of assholes who impeach Clinton for getting blowjob not care in slightest.

Me feel same way — that waving signs and chanting might be satisfying, but it accomplish very little. But way to convince people of that not to insult them.