Higgs Boson

Ronin is definitely the better film (BTW, if you ever get a chance,
watch it with Frankenheimer's commentary track; his enthusiasm during
the tunnel chase is downright infectious — "Watch this! That's two
hundred and thirty stunt cars and drivers!"). It's one of my personal favorites and I consider it a real shame it

That would be the episode "The Warrior Princess" — yes, the episode where they introduced Xena. The scene stuck in my head because in hindsight I always thought it was interesting and weird that a major lesbian icon got her start in an episode that begins with the single most male homoerotic scene in Hercules' run.

Oh man, so do I — still waiting for a decent domestic Blu-Ray release. I also admit to having a soft spot for Extreme Prejudice (Nick Nolte's ten-gallon-hat-on-a-five-gallon-head keeps me chuckling between action set pieces) and Last Man Standing (the final shootout is amazing enough to be worth sitting through a

I They prefer the term "artificial person" myself

OK, further research shows that the Ortolan are not, in fact, officially listed as "endangered." They are, however, officially listed as "threatened," and it's still illegal to hunt, trap, or kill them (although apparently you're also correct that it's not technically illegal to eat them — which seems a weird

Apparently you missed the part of the Wikipedia article that specifically states that the EU prohibits "deliberate killing or capture of these birds by any method" and that, "In 2007, the pressure from France's League for Protection of Birds and
from the European Union resulted in the French government promising to

I doubt that "Malvo" is the character's real name either (in fact, I'm almost willing to bet that in the end, we never find out anything about him beyond layers of false identities). I read that scene not so much as Malvo responding to having his real name called out, but rather surprise that Gus had put enough pieces

This sounds a lot like Silent Rage, a Chuck Norris movie from the early '80s. A "scientist" turns a dead killer into a literally indestructible killer, and at the end of the movie, Chuck kicks him into an abandoned well. The last shot is the killer breaking the surface of the water, freeze frame, end credits. It's