
Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Can we at least all agree that Franco was fucking awful and laceratingly unfunny in this?

Same with Miss Congeniality and the like.

The first one was rife with all kinds of similar problematic bullshit too. Fuck that movie.

Natasha Lyonne is such a fucking boss and I will always be disappointed that she identifies as straight.

Surprised no one has commented on the absolutely gorgeous shot that ended "Best New Girl," with the camera zooming into 13-year-old Ali's mouth. It somehow captured everything about her desperation to seem older than she is and seem like she's totally kissed dudes before while at the same time revealing how empty she

I would pay good money to see a movie about Joan Sutherland, arguably the best coloratura soprano of all time. I see a lot of other people suggesting Maria Callas, but, having seen the revival of Master Class onstage a few years ago, I can safely say that Callas's diva-dom does not always make for as thrilling an

The first person that jumps to mind is Laura Marling. I have been a fanatic fan of hers for 7 or 8 years now and I will follow her to ends of the earth.

This is a nerdy and completely idiotic question, but I wonder if Netflix is going to be streaming the broadcast versions of the episodes or the original DVD versions, which are slightly longer and have more jokes that didn't always make the broadcast. Just wondering because if it's the latter, I definitely will be

This show is a lovely tone poem.

All I could think during that bit was, "Good to know Keanu has always been this terrible."

Agreed. The fact that all the "storylines" (if you can even call them that) this season were almost entirely centered on how to have proper straight (and vanilla) relationships was more than a little offensive, considering it pretty much retconned all of the show's previous dedication to (somewhat) subverting those

It's weird that I'm upset that Jessica and Jason aren't ending up together, but I definitely am. I can only apologize for my dumb emotional response to this idiotic show.