
She's pretty hot. I'd do you know to her dads you know what

When do we get to see pig in frog fucking?

Really though just watching full house was always enough to get me off

No, we need more movies based on picture books. Because reading is hard.

Like to hear these guys shred up guitars

Sounds hot

Is this guy still Lex Luthor?

Vin Diesel, for serious

Wow great a book with pictures in it. Great for children that is.

I love white women

Billy Fuccilo? That you?

Ok so you don't know. Got it.

Yeah we get it, seeing double here. 4 Coen brothers movie! I'm seein double here, two instances of that joke.

Timid? How could you have made that assessment? Imposter of what ?

Wow thanks for keeping tabs on me. Must be nice having all that free time

Just so you know you aren't fooling anyone you ass

Yes, this is how you do real sci fi you comic and star wars nerds. With big freaking testicles.

There's nothing I wouldn't do for 10 minutes alone with Megan Fox's dad. I'd use my mouth.

Really fascinating stuff here, good read

Anyone remeber secret girlfriend?